Welcome to the
Province of Southern Shores

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During the darker months we will meet via Zoom (link to be posted on the Southern-Shores Facebook group.) We expect to be returning to meeting in person later in the year at Cahalan Park at 7:30pm. (See the Calendar page for additional information) -- Webminister.

The Province of Southern Shores is a regional subgroup of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), an organization dedicated to the research and recreation of the Middle Ages. This time period is very loosely defined for our purposes to be from 500-1600 AD. The SCA emcompasses a wide variety of activities:

  • Armored, heavy weapons fighting: Both Tournaments and Wars.
  • Rapier fighting: Tournaments
  • Archery: Both Target and Wars
  • Costuming across many cultures over more than a thousand years of history.
  • Medieval Arts: spinning, calligraphy & illumination, jewelry, embroidery, music...
  • Medieval Sciences: armoring, brewing, woodworking, leatherworking
  • Heraldry, so that everyone can have thier own unique 'device'
  • Medieval feasts, games, and more!
More information about the overall goals and outlook of the worldwide organization can be found at the official SCA web page.

In SCA terms, Southern Shores is located in the Principality of the Mists, in the Kingdom of the West. Southern Shores covers the towns of San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Los Gatos, and parts of Santa Clara, California.

You are invited to play with our group even if you don't live within the listed borders. As long as your heart is with us, that is the only location that is important.


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