Selected Articles from
The Gull Archives

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Dear Madam

dealing with misunderstood persona
Gwynaeth the White
May 1982

discouraging letching Gwynaeth the White
April 1982

how to get a lady's attention; deflating a braggard Gwynaeth the White
March 1982

overcoming shyness with ladies Gwynaeth the White
July 1982
Health Notes: sleeping
Wulfric of Creigull
June 1997
If it's not "Mundane", then what?
Thomas Buttesthorn
November 1988
Medieval Gardens: types of herbs & spices
Alan of Ockham
November 1989
Pole Carriers
Meredith of Schramberg
January 1996
Recommending for an Award in the SCA
Kevin Peregrynne
November 1987
Taking the High Ground: Word-Fighting for the SCA
Hilary of Serendip
September 1988
The Assassin: story of intrigue & mystery, part 1 & 2
Carl of the Crossbow
March & April 1986



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If you wish to reprint any of these articles, in whole or in part, in any medium, you must first get permission from the the author. Please contact the Chronicler, who will forward your request to the appropriate party and respond to you.

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