Selected Articles from
The Gull Archives

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A Dialogue on the Art of War Compared with Tourney Fighting
by Stique Mac Jacques

Thomas Buttesthorn
June/July 1987

Bardic Corner

Armored Fighter
Eirik Haarfager Goransson
January 1992

The Prince's New Clothes
Voila del Manto/
Viola Clark
November 1991

To Die Again
Euriol of Lothian
January 1992

untitled limerick re: Westermark
John Theopolis
May 1992

"Waltzing Pavillions"
Aiofe O'Kirwan/
Emme Attewater
December 1993

Father Ted's Nursery Corner

Easy As Pumpkin Pie
Gwynaeth the White
March 1982

Little Boy Blue/Urchin Azure
Gwynaeth the White
April 1982

Spratfalls, or Jack's Off
Roger of Beldan Abbey
February 1982

Wee Willie Waylaid
Gwynaeth the White
June 1982

from The Albatross

A Guided Missive From the Valley
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Dear Madman (parody of Dear Madam)
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Ear Behind the Throne
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

event copy: No-Count Tourney
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Kelp from the Seneschal
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Officers, Barony of Southern Shoals
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Official Calendar, Sheikhdom of Southern Shoals
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

The Courtesans Guild of Southern Shoals
Alan of Ockham
April 1983

Words from the Werelord
Alan of Ockham
April 1983
Dear Madman (parody of Dear Madam)
Alan of Ockham
June 1983
The History of the English Language
Owen Alun and
Brendan O'Corraidhe
September 1995
March Crown: A Synopsis
Edward the Gentle
April 1989
On the Benefits to Warriors, and thereby the world, by the practice of Politics
by Stique Mac Jacques

Thomas Buttesthorn

April 1988,
reprinted April 1998

The Uses of Peace for a Warrior, As Told by Stique Mac Jacques in a Run Down Ale House After the Mists-Cynagua War
Thomas Buttesthorn
December 1986
Why the Arts and too much Learing are Improper Skills for a Warrior
by Stique Mac Jacques

Thomas Buttesthorn
September 1986, reprinted November 1997
Words from the Werelord
(parody of Words from the Warlord)

Alan of Ockham
June 1983


Copyright of each article belongs to the original author. Reproduction rights are not given by virtue of their appearance here.

If you wish to reprint any of these articles, in whole or in part, in any medium, you must first get permission from the the author. Please contact the Chronicler, who will forward your request to the appropriate party and respond to you.

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