The Gull:

Newsletter for The Province of Southern Shores

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The Reawakened Gull

Read the Current Issue of The Gull [February, A.S. XLV (2011)] [pdf]

Recent Issues: January, A.S. XLV (2011) [pdf]

Selected Articles from
The Gull Archives

A couple of years ago, one of our Officers mentioned that it would be really great if more past articles from our newsletter, The Gull, could be accessed on the Province's website. And so, The Gull Archives Project began.....

Many months later, all the articles and artwork from the past 25+ years was catalogued (save a few "missing" months here & there), writers of articles were contacted for their permission to republish on the web (almost all that could be contacted said 'Yes'), and almost 300 articles were transformed into the web pages you will find here!

It has been an interesting journey back in time -- one can get a glimpse of not only the history of the Province of Southern Shores, but of the SCA as well. I hope you find it as fascinating a journey as I have!

Felicia Margerye Amondesham
Southern Shores Chronicler & Web Minister [26 March, A.S. XLII (2008)]

Articles are divided into the following categories:

NOTE: some articles many be in more than 1 category

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